Friday 4 December 2020

Something sweet....

Meet Moose, stitched him a few years ago and found him recently. On day three the advent calendar said: Have something sweet. Ended up going to our favourite bakery in town, The Traditional Bakery.  In these times, it is so important to support our local businesses. 
These are their fruity Portuguese tarts, topped with chocolate,  cream fruit and a concoction of edible sweet surprises. With these treats, one savour the process of eating them. Reminds me of the Oreo biscuits where one twist them and then pull them apart to get to the frosting..
This table topper was waiting in the wings, it is now ready for the next layer. Amazing what have been tucked away in the Rubbermaids. So many projects have been found and finished this year. This is just a utility topper for the kitchen table, it will be used on a daily basis to protect the table top.
Prepped some more pieces. Will be working on them today.  Finished some small projects yesterday,  they will feature here soon.
Mother nature gifted us with beautiful snow. A white Christmas is looking very good. 


  1. That tart looks delish! I don't suppose it will survive the mail.

  2. your snow is so pretty - looks very Christmas season. I love looking that that pastry - yum!
