Friday 26 July 2024

Summer days.

The flowers in summer is a treat! We have every colour and shade to enjoy, be it in our own gardens or just around the corner in our neighbours garden.
Have been practicing my knitting, it is a test piece. Trying to get a very small ball of cotton yarn to create a square, so far it is not working. So back to the drawing board for the perfect spot to make it work with the amount of yarn.
Attended a baby shower this past weekend, it is a girl. All the men in the family was keeping their fingers crossed for a boy, alas not to be this time. Maybe next time?
Playmat fabric panels arrived in the mail, one more baby quilt to make. Could not find one online and when I was zooming with Kate, she mentioned that she had these two in her stash left. Thank you for letting me shop your stash, one very happy little boy will be enjoying this playmat very soon!

Saturday 20 July 2024

Little projects.

We have been walking a lot more, this past week saw flooding in very many parts of the Greater Toronto Area and our town as well.
It is said to be the most rainfall in the area since records began? The trees and plants have grown a lot more in one season, than we have observed in the past.
A new zipper was put in this top.
Started to smock this dress, have a few cut out in the smocking box which has been in there for years. With the heat of summer, small projects is the way to go.
Also got back to the quilt on the frame.
Quilted this whole section and the quilt has been turned down to quilt the next section, this all happened while we had lots of rain and heatwaves the last while.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Reading pillows.

Do I need more projects? Nope. What to do with the leftover bits, which will clutter the sewing room? Reading pillows with those fabrics. A great way to use them and declutter, also a wonderful way to gift the baby quilts.
It basically is a pillow with a pocket on the outside and a handle at the top.
Sew the pocket to the front square first. Add the handle above the pocket at the top of the pillow.
Next add the back two pieces which will overlap in the middle. Sew the pieces to the front of the pillow with the pocket right sides facing.
As a closure for the reading book pillow, a velcro fastner was added. A pillow can be inserted into the pillowcase, aka book pillow and they can tuck their favourite book in the pocket. A great gift idea for kids, it is also a wonderful way to gift a quilt. No wrapping paper required, just pop the quilt in the pillowcase and gift.
All of these quilts are made, with their reading pillowcases. They got washed and the labels will be added today for my slow stitching on Sunday. Another very hot day with humidity up to the 40C expected in the next 24 hours.

Saturday 6 July 2024

Aqua RSC24.

Aqua blocks are done. It is the colour for July. It is the colur of summer and holidays by the beach, walking on the sand and enjoying the sound of the ocean waves.
Did some mindless knitting, it was to help my hand. After a bout of freezing, which caused my muscles to protest. Found a you-tube video and just followed the instructions. It worked!
The bees are happy, they have lots of flowers.
Walked to the farmers market before the heat started, this morning.
Watching sunsets and sunrises while just enjoying the quiet relaxing time just being one with nature.
Also saw these ducks in the stream on our walk.

Thursday 4 July 2024

The one hundred acre wood.

The one hundred acre wood, where Winnie the Pooh and friends live and enjoy adventures together.
This baby quilt is quilted and will be gifted at the baby shower.
My friend Kate made a pair of baby socks and a Princess Charlotte bonnet for the new baby. Her knitting is beautiful.
The parcel arrived this morning and inside was an extra surprise, a pair of socks me!

Monday 1 July 2024

Winnie the Pooh quilt.

Last year with weddings, I knew babies would follow. Also knew a few baby quilts will need to be made for great nephews and nieces. Most of them are done, only a few more to do. So all is good on that front.
The top is done, next will be making the binding and quilting this baby quilt. After that it will all be quiet and getting back to gardening and slow projects.
Busted! Peter Rabbit has been getting into the beans again. He knows where the carrots are and cannot reach those raised veggie boxes yet. Time to create more bunny proof cages, this time with chicken wire that he cannot fit through.
Happy Canada Day!

Saturday 29 June 2024

Lots of Beautiful Blues.

It has been a month filled with lots of rain, heat, sunshine and blue skies. Sewing happened inbetween gardening and spending time with love ones.
Finding the way got a lot of blues for RSC24.
The next step is to trim them to size and get rid of all the dog ears.