Wednesday 24 February 2021

Tension is off...

The day started well, got the chores done. Then it was time to sit down and quilt the Sugaridoo QAL quilt.  On top it looked fine and at first everything seemed fine. Then it was not, turned the top over and the bottom had little loops here and there, not good. The top tension was off. Tried to correct it, changed the thread. Put in a new bobbin. Replaced the needle, checked the bobbin case. The freemotion with the tension wrong at the top and right at the bottom of these two pieces, the top on front sides..This is the back of the two samples. Will spend some more time today to see if I can fix it, otherwise it will have to go for a service and a check up with ge sewing doc. It will go to the service technician to be fixed.
The hexie mystery got some more green around the flower cream section. 
This week's week's charm row is almost done. 
Unpicked the center of the red flowers, one petal has one extra stitch in the center, will unpick the piece to redo the red flower in that area.

1 comment:

  1. I rarely have luck getting my tension fixed once it is off - good luck
