Sunday 21 February 2021

Alterations done!

After running a few errands in the morning and getting things we could not do curbside pick up. These were things that physically testing a product to make sure it is the right fit,  one could not order online. Most of the afternoon was spent unpicking and replacing a navy zipper on a navy cardigan.  It is now done and returned to our neighbours daughter.  
This week's charm row got finished.  
Pulled some floss for February SAL, these guys will be used in the border. No more black, instead a blue will be used for the next square and green for the dashes in said square. The thimble holder has a heartsea/pansy on the outside lid, with yellow.
Will start this today.
Prepped the windows for this house, it will be applique in place. 
The workbox is from this book, here is the  ISBN number for the book.


  1. So many lovely projects on the go! the stitch along looks intriguing!

  2. The little thimble holder is amazing. So tiny and so very pretty. Love the sweet pansy. Your little house work box is going to be a joy to sew. Have a lovely day stitching.

  3. Lovely projects you have going. Love that little house! Happy stitching, and hope you have a great week!
