Tuesday 16 February 2021

Snow storm.

February stitch along is done. We got walloped with a snow storm while we were sleeping last night. The first round is cleared and the salt put down, but more ice pellets is coming down at a clip.
Blowing snow on the window sill,  noticed it when opened up the blinds.
These are bits which had no purpose,  instead of throwing them out, they are now being sewn to a scrap of muslin to create a backing for an art quilt instead. 
Raw edges overlapping and exposed. 
The back of the new fabric. The waste will be the little bits on the edges which will be trimmed once the piece is finished. This is the result of the tidying up which happened in the sewing room. 
Played with squares to create four patches. This is to make square in a square blocks.
Applique pieces prepped on the wash away stabilizer. Once the top gets washed this paper dissolves and leaves only the fabric behind. It is Floriani fuse and wash away, a great product.
The crumb strips sewn was going to be a mug rug, upon discovering this orphan block, decided to make a sewing caddy with pockets instead.
Our cat took one look outside at this and decided a nap was in order...

1 comment:

  1. well we had one snow storm yesterday and expecting another one tonight - 8 inches so far and maybe another 5? more than we need for sure - but it will warm up again soon but not for four more days! Great sewing - I haven't felt much like sewing the last couple days for some reason don't know why
