Thursday 18 February 2021

Slow day.

This quilt project has been packet away for a while, so with the yellow colour for the RSC21,  the yellow flowers are being applied to the background.
Half of them are done, the other half needs to be appliqued in the month of February.  Why it seemed so massive to do, boggles the mind. They actually do  not take that long to do. Have been putting them off for a while. They get another part on top, which is a different colour.
The charm row for this week is growing.
Our neighbours daughter's school uniform zipper broke after a few weeks and it needs replacing. It is navy, but the photo shows it as grey. She does not sew. Why do the manufacturers cut costs by using cheaper zipper, use YYK: the good stuff!!


  1. I was asking the zipper question the other day, on my grandson's expensive ( because you need warm in Ottawa) snowsuit. Good zippers are only a bit more expensive.

  2. LE looks great! I have 3 more vases to put on it before my center is done and I don't think I have touched it in 6 years!

  3. I love LOVE your quilt!!! Zippers are not made well at all! Have a safe and happy day!
