Thursday 1 December 2022

A Busy day.

The quilt top was finished this morning and basted this afternoon. Quilting will start tomorrow, also made a start on the binding.
Stay stitched around the center, before adding the two borders.
After sewing strips together and ironing said strips, they got rolled up onto cardboard rolls. Keeping them neat and easy to place next to the sewing machine, before sewing the borders on to the center of the quilt top. The snow started and continued to come down by the time we went to bed. It will require shovelling of the snow in the morning, we were expecting rain. The temperatures dipped and the cold winds started blowing and it changed quickly from rain to snow.


  1. have fun stitching while watching the snow fall from inside.

  2. The quilt looks great. It is always interesting to see how they will turn out.

  3. That's a beautiful quilt! Sounds like you're having some good sewing weather there. Enjoy your quilting time today!

  4. Your quilt is gorgeous! I smiles at your cardboard rolls for binding! A girl after my own recycling heart! :) Great idea!

    1. They work well for the binding and one can turn those cardboard rolls into seed planters in the spring. Thanks for stopping by, Maggie

  5. Hats off to you on your quilt top finish! It’s utterly beautiful! Have fun sewing today!

  6. Spectacular quilt top, Maggie, and happy quilting!!

  7. I love the print in the last border. In the quilt, that print makes interesting little white dots like snowflakes. Your choice of fabrics is perfect. Awesome quilt. Enjoy! ;^)

    1. Thank you, it reminded me of stars. Hand quilting is well under way. It is keeping my hands and thoughts calm, Maggie
