Saturday 1 June 2024

Busy Month of May.

On all our walks the most beautiful iris plants are in full bloom, a delight for the eye! The lily of the valley has now spread far and wide too that we walk past on in the forest and is now popping up in another part of the forest across the road. The sent is gentle and when a breeze is blowing one catch a wiff of the perfume.
Binding is done on this quilt. So many things has happened unexpectedly this month, our minds and bodies are still spinning from it all. It still seems so surreal, especially the loss of our kitty, we still expect to see her with us. Only to discover she is not there, where we hoped to find her. It is a new normal which we just cannot get used to. Hard to believe.
Pulled the blue blocks for Finding the way, boy it has a lot of blues!
Blue is the RSC24 colour for June, these got sewn and prepped to be cut.
The cutting and finger pressing happened while Kate and I chatted on zoom on wednesday afternoon. Kate was working on a new pair of socks. She has finished four pairs of adult socks already this year, amazing result. (check them out on
The dinosaur quilt is next up. It has been layered and basted ready for machine quilting.
June is here, half of this year has flown by in a blink of an eye!


  1. Isn’t the scent of Lily of the Valley lovely? Boy, that’s a lot of blue HST. It will be awesome!

  2. I'm so sorry about your kitty - it's hard to lose our furry friends. You made a lot of tiny blue HSTs! I'll enjoy seeing where they're going.

  3. Sorry about your difficult month. We do so love our furry companions! Enjoy blue month, you've made a great start!

  4. I'm so sorry about your difficult month and the loss of your kitty. (((HUGS))) Congrats on the finished quilt. Cute dinosaur quilt. That's a lot of HSTs! You've been busy!

  5. So sorry to read about the loss of your beloved cat. I know what you mean about expecting to see them. When we list our previous elderly cat, (she had enjoyed a great life with us) I swear I could see her out of the corner of my eye on multiple occasions.

  6. I hate when things happen to upset our lives. Sorry about your kitty. Just a little thought — half the year won’t be over until June 30… basing that on the months not the actual days.
