Tuesday 4 June 2024

Dinosaur quilt.

The green border got freemotion quilted. It is the first part that gets quilted .
Next up the quilting in the ditch happened to block the next elements. Above is the back and below is the front so far.
Some stitching continued on this piece. The rope got stitched in the main piece and the rope in the borded got started as well.
Will switch things up a bit and make a start on the layout and machine applique for the birthday quilt for Lara. The backgroud looks grey, it is much more purple (Orchid) Kona colour.
On our walk early evening we saw this peonie opening up. It was huge.

1 comment:

  1. Those are a lot of little pieces to machine applique. the dinosaur quilt and the stitchery look very nice. I love the smell of peonies. Enjoy the smell while you can, happy stitching!
