Sunday 16 June 2024

Slowing down now.

It has been a busy six weeks, now I can finally just relax. All the baby quilts are made, one needs the binding sewn down still. Knowing how hot summer can be, it needed to be done before the heat arrives. This upcoming week will be very hot, so glad this is done.
Now it will be back to ongoing older projects, which will include embroidery, stitching and trimming blocks to size for Finding the Way colour challenge quilt.
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in our lives!


  1. The baby quilt is gorgeous, Maggie. Love those colours. Hopefully you can enjoy a lot of relaxing sewing now that you're not so busy.

  2. That's such a pretty quilt with its otter theme! Glad you have your baby quilts finished and can get back to your own project now.

  3. Great job on the baby quilt! And look at all those HST blocks ready to become something wonderful! Enjoy your stitching!

  4. I'm glad I decided long ago that I was not going to keep up with baby quilts and my huge family or I would be working on nothing but baby quilts. You might get to that point one of these days too

  5. That quilt is so pretty. I love the variety of fabrics for Finding the Way.
