Friday 31 May 2024

Baby socks.

Enjoying all the beautiful flowers that surround us. Nature is just filled with so much inspiration.
Kate kindly made a pair of baby socks for my great nephew, it arrived in the mail today. It is wool, so it will stay in the ziplock bag. Wool and me are not friends, so I will admire it from the outside of the bag. It will be going to Levi very soon. These baby socks are amazing.
Also in the parcel was this funky fabric, a hat for hubby. It is truly Canadian, with geese and they are super cute with the flippers and swimming goggles!
The dinosaur quilt has a start will be working on it a bit again today. Trying to get the machine quilting done before the heat of summer starts. Working on smaller pieces with applique and embroidery is a lot easier in the summer.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was quick! Overnight service, from me to you. The socks look cuter with the cuffs turned down but it makes them thicker to mail.
