Sunday 23 June 2024

Keeping cool during the heat dome.

What did we do this past week? Keeping cool and tried not to do much about anything. It was the sensible thing to do, relax and if we needed to do anything it was done some days before six am.
The Winnie the Pooh fabric arrived. Will be cutting this up and adding more green where the grey blocks are in the design currently.
The hundred acre wood fabric will be used as a center piece.
A lazy week it has been, we have had rain, heat, thunderstorms one following the other in a playlist loop. Second week walking Milo, his take on walkies in the heat. He wanted to enjoy a little sunbathing on the grass!
Will be doing a bit of stitching again today. The Serengeti has got a few more colours. It has beads in the open area and braid work.
Today a little bit more stitching will happen on the rope design which is part of the frame. On the pattern this is done in white, switched it out for a variegated blue, white and grey colour.


  1. In this hot weather, dogs need to be walked in the cool of the early morning before the sidewalks get too hot. Milo looks like he is enjoying himself.
    It is pouring rain, a good day to finish my baby bonnet.

  2. I don't remember where in Canada you live - Eastern side I believe where it is super hot in the states also although I am in the middle lower half and it is stinking hot here too but we are more used to it. - I am thinking is it normally this hot for you? Here it hit 96 at 12:30 today - I happened to glance at the outside thermometer then and that is the hottest so far today.

  3. It does sound sweltering there. You can send some heat down here, if you like. =) The Winnie The Pooh fabrics are fun. Enjoy your hand stitching today.

  4. FYI, your link to Slow Stitching didn't work. I found you anyhow. I love that Winnie the Pooh fabric. So pretty. Serengeti is looking great. So is your nautical piece. I look forward to seeing the beading on Serengeti. Try to keep cool. Milo has the right idea.
