Sunday 13 November 2022

Snowflakes are here.

We woke up to a dusting on the roof, as I am drinking my cup of coffee snowflakes are just falling down from the sky. The quiet and stillness is the one thing it arrived with. Bluejays are in the tree looking for us and asking for peanuts. The cat has crawled under the blankets on the bed, she must be cold. It is the only time she cuddles in this manner.
Winter is here, the weather report says we will see sunshine after nine am this morning?
Diamond set number 13 is done, it was worked on here and there this past week. Instead of sewing, we got outdoors and did lots of nature walks.
Jeopardy had us sitting on the edges of our seats, watching contestants battle it out for a spot in the finals.
This round got finished, it is just quilted in the ditch and around most of the shapes. Yesterday I stopped to get greenery and the shop next door to it, sells sewing machines, notions and thread. They had Mettler quilting thread, so it is a back up just incase the YLI thread runs out before the quilting is done on this one. Cross-hatching still needs doing after the outlines and in the ditch quilting.

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