Monday 24 January 2022

Snow mystery.

We are back to snow on mondays into tuedays for this winter. Made some progress with the mystery quilt. The rows to create the main body of the quilt is assembled. Next will be the first border.
The back of the quilt so far, still have to trim some of those threads.
This bag was falling apart, so the fabrics needed to be ironed and sorted ready for cutting to be used. Have made three tops and (one wedding quilt)in different sizes with this collection of French General fabrics over the years.
Collected this fabric line for years now, have some more precuts which can be added once these ironed pieces have been cut into squares, rectangles and triangles.
We baked chocolate cake, a few milestones will be celebrated this weekend and and upcoming week!


  1. the quilts look wonderful! the cake yummy

  2. Your Bonnie Hunter quilt is progressing nicely. How big will it be?
