Saturday, 11 January 2025

Old Town mystery.

We had another snow storm last night and more snow expected today.
The sashing pieces for the Bonnie Hunter mystery has been sewn.
Flying geese units sewn into blocks. More components to create the next part of the big blocks.
This needs to be assembled, as it is currently on top of the cutting table taking up space.
We will be spending time outdoors today clearing snow.
Some socks happening with sock free wool.
Got a pair of these scrubbers from the local dollar store, tried it to clean the fluff and lint from the cutting board in the sewing room. It did the job and works well.


  1. Your Old Town block is beautiful! Happy stitching!

  2. clearing snow is not really enjoyable and I will try to do some of that too today. I hope your day goes well

  3. Your colors for Old Town are really lovely. They have a vintage feel. All of that snow has missed us here in eastern SD.

  4. Great progress on your mystery quilt. I love it when the patterns begin to emerge.

  5. Love the Old Town progress! I'm still working on Pt. 2, so have a ways to go.

  6. Lots of pieces in your big block!
