Tuesday 9 January 2024

Snowy days.

We woke to the snow coming down at a steady pace this morning, winter is here.
While the trees and plants are sleeping, leaves are growing on the applique.
Stitching grows with stars, acorns and very soon words too.
The first two blocks for the Birthday quilt a long has been made, these will be placed in a box for when it will be assembled in a quilt. Laundry Basket Quilts is hosting the QAL.
Made a test block, this one was too big and it was trimmed to the correct size before I realized it was not going to work.
Also made a blue block, which was unpicked before trimming it. Sometimes we are busy thinking about life and then cremlins creep in. Pincushion can be made with this oops!


  1. the trees always look pretty covered in snow - but it will be nice for the warm to come back. Here no snow but cold! and extra cold in a few days colder than what we normally get - I will need to get the plant protections cloths out before the end of the week.

  2. The snow arrived here about noon. I'm hoping we have a good amount down before it turns to freezing rain.
    Your applique looks really good.

  3. Snow covered trees are pretty. Nice applique, cross stitching and star blocks. Sorry you had to unpick the blocks, it happens.
