Saturday 18 May 2024

Pink and a bit more.

This month has been filled with the unexpected. Springtime is always a time of ups and downs, strangely enough it is how nature works too. The tug and pull of the end of winter with cold weather and spring pulling to start the birth of a new season. Ringing in the new season with warmer weather, which includes all four seasons in a day. All of this to start the growth which is much needed and required.
Pink blocks from last year, this years stack below has not been sewn yet. They are now pulled and put next to the sewing machine. These will be getting done this weekend.
A little bit of work happened on the birthday quilts. The lightbox came out and tracing happened for the applique.
Stems was placed and tacked into position.
We went away for a few days, we needed to do that as a family. Nature for us is very healing and helps to restore calm for us.


  1. such pretty pink flowers - so many nice projects - I will try to get back to my RSC quilts in June

  2. I'm enjoying seeing pink blocks this month.
