Saturday 20 April 2024

A busy week.

Funny how we had errands to run, appointments to meet and do everything else we needed to do. It still looked like very little actually got done when one looked with the naked eye, yet we know how much got done and how much our bodies remind us we did. Rhododendron Trail got washed and dried, the label still needs to have the message written on, the label made with some scraps of fabrics from the quilt.
Diane and myself managed a field trip to our favourite stitching shop, Gitta's.
The garden got it's spring tidy up, the grass was aerated and areas that needed overseeding received spa treatments. The garden is now ready for everything after the frost date, the rest will be just maintenance and weeding. Saw the first butterflies and a bumblebee, also some bunnies on one of our walks.
Ancient stars has yellow strips cut, however no neutral strips. Will be going through my scraps to find some for these blocks.
All the blocks and border pieces made so far.
Indigo blocks are being sewn together a few at a time, my shoulder is taking its sweet time to recover and accepting that it needs time to heal is the best thing to do.
Our cat loves to chase the squirrels, they come by to the bird feeders, including the chipmunks.
Cat and squirrel game.
Tame new chipmunk in the feeder, he allows one to walk right up to him...


  1. Yes, some weeks are definitely like that. I try to write down my finished list every night so I can see what I accomplished at the end of the week.

  2. love the quilt - the colors look lovely

  3. Yes, there is plenty happening at your place! I love the look of squirrels, are they a nuisance? We dont have any here in my part of the world.
