Tuesday 20 June 2023


Flowers are blooming in the garden. We are enjoying the blue skies and sun shine.
On Father's day we had two old planes fly past, a bi and tri plane. Unfortuanetly I missed them up close.
Stitched outside in the garden, the plate of pumkins are done. Next the mushroom needs to be picked up again.
Will work on that, before starting the last piece which is a squirrel on a broom.
Magic binding for Tahoe is made as well, want to sew and extra strip of fabric onto the top to make it a little bit bigger.
A friend send an SOS, can I walk this little guy? He has beautiful eye lashes and he loves to be outside.


  1. the dog looks like my daughter's dog - a golden doodle - they are fun. Your flowers look so pretty

  2. Your needlepoint is gorgeous! Love those white peonies! Such a pretty dog!
