Friday 16 June 2023

24 Diamonds done!

The last set of diamonds are sewn.
The puzzle can now be assemble to create the eight pieces which makes up the quilt top.
Following the instructions, to get these done to this point. That is when things went sideways. It did not work, the unpicker came out and everything was unpicked to the big diamond stage, with sets of four diamonds.
Next a sheet was ironed in to quarters and then into a half, from corner to corner to create the creases for the pie segments. This is shown in the layout of the pattern. Then the puzzle building started.
This worked, so now the process has started all over again to sew all the segments together. Made a great start yesterday, got the backing for this one from The Sewing Cafe. Managed to get a nice walk in yesterday and saw trees in bloom, have no idea what they are called.


  1. The bush is a Dogwood. Quite something, aren't they.

  2. that is a lot of diamond work - I don't think I have seen the pattern you are working with
