Saturday, 22 March 2025

Changing of the season.

Yesterday was the first day of spring, a happy day. Winter has been long and cold. We still have snow packs which needs to melt, planted seeds in pots indoors as well. Starting them indoors to have them ready to plant outdoors once the risk of frost is past. Looking forward to gardening season and warmer weather.
Made the yellow blocks for Ancient Stars for March. All the yellow blocks for the RSC25 is now done.
Finished the mountain blocks for the Good Hope Mystery Blocks for 2025. Pulled it out again, after lots happened and this was just waiting on the cutting table. Have not kept up with the clues, working at my own pace when time allows for it. Manage to get two more parts done.

1 comment:

  1. The blue blocks look good. I think we have to wait a bit for spring, since we are getting snow again.
