Wednesday 7 February 2024

Working on Indigo Way.

The pumpkin house has grown. The house has colour now, it still needs the bricks filled in with the alternative colour.
Finding the way paper piecing for the diamonds and the mariner compass blocks also have the first parts pinned, ready for sewing. Lately with so much good weather, the distraction to go for walks outdoors in the great weather not much sewing happens when I have planned to do it.
Indigo way has parts sewn and stacked in piles ready for trimming or adding more pieces to it. The stacks are prepped and when a moment presents itself, a stack is picked up and sewn together, while waiting for the bread to proof or bake.
The big bag of flour is almost finished, meaning this winter we baked bread a lot more than normal. Today is more of a housekeeping day, so need to get that done early as it is another beautiful day outside.


  1. It's always nice to have pieces ready to sew at a moment's notice. Happy stitching!

  2. sounds like you have done a lot of bread baking
