Monday 18 December 2023

A finish before Christmas.

The blue smock dress is finished and is on its way to a little girl for Christmas. Her Grandma and her both loves blue, their favourite colour.
The back and front of the dress. Recently this little girl became a big sister to a little sister.
The Soedidee advent stitch-a-long continue, have kept up for the most part. Missed stitching on three days.
The weather was beautiful on friday and we went for a walk in nature, the beavers are busy.
They have chopped all the trees, except for this one. We have noticed the water level where the weir is, has not dropped in a couple of months. They have built another dam down stream from the weir.


  1. I love the dress, it's so cute! Your counted cross stitching project looks so nice. I'm impressed you're able to keep up with it during this season. Happy Christmas!

    1. The stitching is a lot slower, life happens and the linen is just not an even weave. So I need to pay attention and go slow. It is total escapism and it is relaxing.
