Saturday 15 July 2023

Tahoe and the garden.

Red is the RSC23 colour for this month. The sewing machine has not seen much of me, as I am still quilting Tahoe by hand. The strawberries are making more berries, they are much happier higher up on the table in the sun.
Also did the machine quilting of the border fabric on Tahoe. I did not starch this fabric and I will do so in future. Plenty of hand quilting still to fill in, all the pins are removed and enough has been quilted for me to sew on the binding on this quilt. It will be going to my eldest sister in due course.
The veggies are producing, our first tomatoes was enjoyed in last nights salad. Met up with an old buddy, Cheerio.


  1. glad to see you are getting strawberries in. The quilt is looking pretty

  2. There is a lot of quilting in Tahoe.
