Sunday 2 July 2023

Future projects.

A number of years ago, before pandemic I noticed red echinacea at the local nurseries. Then they just were not to be found anywhere. The rose bushes had died and I decided to replace it with one of these. Nothing, so I found and orange one and planted that instead. Friday past I needed to get two different shades of pink quilting thread for Tahoe, next to the sewing shop is a plant shop. I took a walk in there and found some cosmos, at the end of that isle there was every colour of blooming echinacea. In the middle was this red one, it came home with me.
The fingerling potatoes which was harvested from the garden. Last night, as part of our Canada day celebrations we had some with our dinner.
This fat quarter bundle was something I got a while back, like the collection but had no idea what to do with it.
Paging through this book there is a pattern that calls for 35 fat quaters?
It has 36, one extra for using as binding.
Plants was grown from seed, to be planted where the potatoes was in pots. The succession planting is working well, so is the strawberry plants. Our second strawberry is going red.


  1. Your quilt is going to be so pretty! It seems like a fat quarter wouldn't be big enough for some of those rounds though. I planted a red echinacea last summer that I bought marked down in August. It's full of blooms now, so beautiful!

  2. Not sure what's happeunehd to my echinacea. Maybe they will appear this year. Meanwhile, I think you might need a couple more strawberry plants, if you want enough strawberries to share. :)

  3. I bought two of the red coneflowers and they didn't do well and died after a year - never came back like they should have. I love your fat quarter bundle!
