Friday 10 February 2023


A love of books is something which we have had from a young age. Going to boarding school young, having strict routines. Within those parameters we had specific times to do homework, if you finished yours quickly it meant time to read. The only books available in the homework room was Brittanica Encyclopedia, the whole collection! So reading my way through them was a natural outcome. It was fun and I could explore anything and everywhere, we were told to learn from books. The funny thing was, if we wanted to know how to do a craft or anything else we used books and taught ourselves. Our kids was taught the same thing by us, our daughter in law was blown away by this fact. Her family did things differently. So yesterday a belated Christmas present arrived and down a rabbit hole I went, into a world of words and pictures. The book are in both French and English, so I read the English part, then repeat the French part. Over time it will hopefully improve my Language skill in French?
What fun it was, very little sewing happened and a lot of just exploring of fabric and the art of a craft whiich I am passionate about. It is filled with a journey of the lives of a family and a country with quilting in the modern era, after 1970 in France. To touch on quilting prior to this, would open a vast world from a rich part of quilting in France.
(Do I have an amazing book on that, oh my and she is a beauty)!
Some of the projects in the book, it has a lot of photos which accompany each and every story and project. At the end of a rainy day it was put aside to thumb through again and dream of creating with needle and thread.


  1. I can't imagine going to bordering school and only having encyclopedia's to read - we did have a set at home and some of us read them a lot while others barely touched them. They were very interesting to look through as you could learn so many things that would have otherwise never been mentioned.

  2. The pictures look amazing! Looks like an njoyable way to spend an afternoon.

  3. Enjoy reading your special new book!
