Saturday 8 October 2022

Purple pink aqua and more.

The next diamond set was finished. it is starting to create the bigger picture.The next ten strips of the bargello quilt got sewn together too.
Jeopardy quilting so far. Using painters tape to quilt in straight lines.
The two rabbits and lettuce got a start.
A parcel arrived in the mail, Kate made me another pair of socks! When hubby saw them, he asked if she used a machine? I said defintely not, she knitted them by hand. Needless to say he was super impressed with the art of hand knitted socks. Thank you Kate, the most heart warming gift. They arrived just as the cold weather did, perfect timing.


  1. Tell hubs they only ook 4 months to knit on 2.5mm needles.

  2. He is already in awe here. Just read in Finland a lady did a call for knitted socks for Ukrainian soldiers, she received 20 000 pairs. She thought she might get some socks, she was astounded by the response! Knitted socks rocks!

  3. Hand knitted socks are a wonderful gift indeed.

  4. Your star is so pretty. The straight line quilting is good background quilting for your quilt, happy stitching!
