Tuesday 10 May 2022

Spring has arrived.

Sewing has taken a back seat, the sunny warmer weather has arrived with not a snowflake in sight. Gardening is top of the list and time spent outside has been just what we needed.
The seeds are all sprouting, the beefsteak tomatoes are planted with basil and some pepper plants. The mix of flower bulbs have all grown well so far and have buds on, some have opened others are still taking their time.
These tulips are more red than pink, it is always a wait and see what blooms. In the sewing room activity has come to a standstill.
A gift arrived early in the morning from my friend Kate. she makes the most amazing bags and her attention to detail and workmanship is top notch. It is perfect and goes with everything that I wear.
Inside the bag she added pockets, with secret and surprise fabrics, magnetic snaps, a designated keeper of the keys and a monogram zipper pull on the bag. Thank You, Kate!
My sisters both requested quilts, the one younger than me wanted these colours. Yesterday it was cut out. It will be a bargello quilt. My older sister has not told me what colours she wants yet.
Diane bought these books and quilt kits a few years back, she called last week and said these needed a new home. After looking at them, the tops will be sewn and donated once they are finished. Will be cutting them out soon, they will work well as enders and leaders.


  1. oh my it has been quite a while since our tulips bloomed and then died, so glad spring has finally arrived for you it is summer here already according to the temperature even though it is still only early Mary

  2. We are just thankful the warm weather is here. The hummingbird is here and that is just so good.
