Saturday 23 April 2022

More pink.

The shoo-fly block stack has grown. April produced a lot more blocks, as many blocks had pink in the middle.
The spring quilt got some more quilting in the hoop, the pink borders got started and the center block got quilting as well.
This is a practice quilt for the new machine, so if things are not perfect it is okay.
The little dress is finished,the leftover yarn was weighed on the scale. It was 99g, the dress weighed in at 94g. So ball of this yarn will make two 18-24 month dresses.
The back of the dress, with a band with buttons and buttonholes. The leftover yarn is being used for a hat, using the darker green from the middle of the ball of yarn.
These pink yarns are two different shades, so they are now on seperate knitting needles being used. Unpacking boxes and sorting projects continued this past week, all the almost finished projects is in two piles. One for quilt tops, another for small items, bags and itty bitty items.
The next Bargello is sorted too, found three more fabrics for it. Then played with the fabrics and have the colours in order now. The garden is calling and seeds have been planted in the veggie garden, it is now watering and waiting for the seeds to sprout.


  1. Congrats on adding some PINK scrap blocks to your RSC collection. That knit dress is absolutely darling!!

    1. Thank you. It was a fun project to make, now it is getting a spring hat to go with it. Taking it easy this year, working on finishing up all the smaller projects and using up some of the yarn in my sewing room. Nothing complicated, just simple.

  2. Congrats on getting things organized, I should do that! What an adorable baby dress. Love the quilt blocks, and the machine quilting.

  3. It took a long time, in the past everything would just be placed back into the boxes and forgotten about. This time it was sorted with more care, it took longer and the end result is order out of the chaos.
