Tuesday 28 December 2021

Mystery quilt.

Bonnie Hunter is hosting her mystery quilt along again. The journey of the process can sometimes take you down a few roads and rabbit holes. Getting flying geese consistently the right size can be all about the practice. (The pieces above are the dog ears trimmed from one method, mini pinwheels?)
While trying out the different ways to make them, lost count and made 44 extra flying geese. Also cut the same amount of extra squares...
Part four of the mystery was these hour glass blocks. Finished them before part five was released. They only got trimmed to the correct size after part five went live.
Will be working on this group today, then adding the corner blocks, before trimming them to the correct size. The hot pink fabrics has now got a purpose, it feels good to use them. Some quilters think they know what the pattern wil be, to me the surprise is so much more fun at the end when it is finished and reveal the pattern.


  1. I am a big fan of Elenore Burns' flying geese ruler. She has a mini one but I don't know if it is small enough.
