Thursday 5 August 2021

Lone Star number two.

Second attempt at the Lone star pattern. The centre is better not perfect. This one was made with the remainder of the leftover diamonds and fabric of the first one.  Similar colours, will be doing some unpicking and adjusting the blue star in the center to get it more flat. Will then add borders and finish these quilts as utility quilts.
The first one, the center was also not flat. With this one the pattern was followed.  With the next one all the fabrics was starched and sewn not from the center but from the outside. The seams definitely meeting better with this method. Glad it was a pattern that took more than 30 years to get too, as I  was not ready to make this before. The center got a few seams tweaked and it is now flat.


  1. I made one once years ago and it was tough to lay flat

  2. Both look beautiful to me! Love your color choices! Have a lovely weekend!
