Saturday 31 August 2024


This month flew by, lots happened and yet it still feels like it is a month away. Except the month is done. Tomorrow September starts, where did summer go?
Smocking on the red dress is done, the green one is next and it wiil be my handwork for the next week or two. Once all the surface embroidery is finished, these dresses will be blocked and sewn up.
Made a reading pillow for the Baby deer quilt. This piece of fabric has been in my fabric stash for more than 16 years?
The playmat quilt, got the borders quilted first.
Next the center of the playmat quilt, got machine quilted.
Binding was made, attached with wonder clips to be sewn on next.
Made the reading pillowcase for the playmat quilt.

1 comment:

  1. the smocking is so cute - I would never try it but nice that you are excellent at it
