Saturday 31 August 2024


This month flew by, lots happened and yet it still feels like it is a month away. Except the month is done. Tomorrow September starts, where did summer go?
Smocking on the red dress is done, the green one is next and it wiil be my handwork for the next week or two. Once all the surface embroidery is finished, these dresses will be blocked and sewn up.
Made a reading pillow for the Baby deer quilt. This piece of fabric has been in my fabric stash for more than 16 years?
The playmat quilt, got the borders quilted first.
Next the center of the playmat quilt, got machine quilted.
Binding was made, attached with wonder clips to be sewn on next.
Made the reading pillowcase for the playmat quilt.

Friday 23 August 2024


This tree close to where we live, is the first one to start to turn colour for when we are getting closer to the start of cooler weather and fall's arrival.
Found some sock yarn, will be making hubby a pair of socks for Christmas. Enought time to work on it before then, perfect for travel and a good project to take along.
Pulled the smock dress pieces out the rubbermaid which just needs the smocking embroidery still.
The second one is a green and red paisley fabric. It has the front and the back which is smocked. The back is what is called reverse smocking, keeping the shape of the pleats.
Found the backing fabric and an extra piece for the playmat reading pillowcase.
It is pinned and ready for machine quilting.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Four seasons.

The oldest work in progress is finished. It took avery long time, the journey with this one was along the long and adventure filled road. After almost 24 years this one is done.
The squirrel on the broom with autumn leaves and nuts was the final piece of the puzzle.
It will be framed in due course.
Took a break for a short while, needed border fabrics for this playmat panel but did not have the right fabrics for it.
The Sewing Cafe had two fabrics which was just perfect.
Made the binding with one of them. Will machine quilt this piece shortly.
On our walk the other evening we saw the beaver, he was swimming up stream for his dinner.
The elusive blue heron hunting for his dinner, manage to get a picture before he flew away to his normal perch spot in the tree.

Monday 5 August 2024

Orange RSC24.

The orange blocks are done. RSC24 colour challenge has been amazing in keeping me on track with all the blocks. In July, dark colours was announced as the colour for August, except it should have been orange. All the dark colours are done, so the orange blocks are now up to date.
The box is overflowing with all the blocks for this quilt. All the blocks needs the dog ears trimmed, will get to that and get them all the same size.
Stitching continue on the UFO. The squirrel and the broomstick is done, next up is the brush on the broom.
The first bird was the Coopers hawk.
Along the path on our walk we saw wildflowers and birds.
It is much smaller(the green Heron) than the blue Heron, both love to sit on the dead tree branches in the trees.

Saturday 3 August 2024

Black and brown, orange?

Love the colours on this Iris.
Brown blocks for Finding the Way.
The last of the black blocks made.
The blue, purple and lilac flower smock dress has the front smocked. It will be sewn together after the smocking has been blocked with steam.
Just loved the colour and feel of this, no wool in it.
Knitting a cowl, then a mistake was discovered and it was all ripped out. Will have to start all over again.
Decided to try out a dress pattern, had some fabric which was used to test the pattern. This way if the pattern did not fit the way the pattern show on the picture, no fabric is wasted. Next the dress will be made with the fabric which hubby bought me years ago to make a dress with.
The oldest UFO is now back on the project list, especially with all the heat and humidity. The mushroom with some leaves and seeds, have been finished.
Next up the squirrel on the broom with fall leaves.
On our walk the other night we saw the blue heron, he does not like anyone seeing him. Took a photo of him in the tree he landed across from the path.