Wednesday 9 August 2023

Enjoying a bit of summer.

Grew these flowers from seeds. It has been an odd summer, with heatwaves, humidity, lots and lots of rain. Walks and outdoor activities have been adjusted and we fit it all in, where the weather and time allows for it.
When the fence needed to be fixed, we had leftover fencing. Kitty now has her very own kitty deck.
When it gets too hot, she goes underneath it.
Diane has been stitching a lot, she started Paris
Paris got finished before I could blink, with all the rain that we got alot got done.
A sneak peak at the wedding quilt which I am working on. This one will be going to a longarm quilter, it is just too hot to hand quilt at the moment.
The creek with the stream, the forest path. It is the most dense we have ever seen the forest grow. Parts we can normally go walking in is totally blocked with vegetation.
The beavers are expanding two dams up to the north of the broadwalk.


  1. The part of the wedding quilt I saw looked very pretty. I can't wait to see it finished! Happy stitching!

  2. Your mallow plants are doing very well. They are so pretty.

  3. that trail looks so nice - yes vegetation on the trails go crazy at times!
