Monday 14 March 2022

Opening Pandora’s box…

This past weekend saw a few boxes moved and opened. It was a stay indoors weekend, with blowing snow and freezing weather outside.
This was the calm before the storm.
Rainbow nation scraps too precious to throw away, got used for foundation piecing.
Sewing on the lines, fabric at the back of the paper.
Sew through the paper, then flip the fabric open to cover the next section until all the rows have been sewn and the paper is covered completely with fabric.
Next was practice sewing quarter inch seams on strips and triangle squares. All scraps for scrappy patterns. Discovered the seam is a scant quarter inch seam, which is a very pleasant surprise,thank you Husqvarna!
Some more hand quilting in the ditch happened on the spring quilt.
The monthly cross-stitch got some more stitches. This is for the month of March, it still needs backstitching. In the same box was this cardinal, will be giving it some more love soon.
The secret project had an oops in it, so some serious unpicking will happen this week to correct it. This weekend was an escape from all the crazy in the world, Pandora's box opened and in I leaped. Emerging this morning calm and ready for the week ahead.


  1. Always fun to discover things you forgot you have!

  2. a lot of pretty projects! hope the winter won't last too much much longer for you - but assume spring won't be until mid April for you?

    1. Winter will hopefully leave pronto, it would be great. Seeing all the spring flowers blooming and just to go outdoors and enjoy planting seeds, going for a walk without layers of clothing on.
