Wednesday, 13 May 2015

April showers, bring May flowers.

Le Jardin.

Red Brolly gave a free pattern, you can find it here.

When the weather warm up, one want to work with things that are lighter to hold, breathe easier.  Stitching is one of those projects.  This is a work in progress. 
Daisies in all shapes and sizes.
The Poppies bloom, with delicate petals, as soon as the heat go up, they go to seed.
Primroses remind us of the English country side, dotted with villages and thatch cottages.
The bees humming about, a reminder of the nectar we received at the end of the summer.
Honey, golden and the best remedy for any paper cut, dab a little raw honey onto it, it heals so fast you will forget, you had a cut, in the first place.  Best ointment, ever.  All Thanks to the Humble Honey Bee.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the prayers and information about beets. He loves beets so he eats them quite often, but another reason to eat them!
