Saturday, 22 March 2025
Changing of the season.
Yesterday was the first day of spring, a happy day. Winter has been long and cold. We still have snow packs which needs to melt, planted seeds in pots indoors as well. Starting them indoors to have them ready to plant outdoors once the risk of frost is past. Looking forward to gardening season and warmer weather.
Made the yellow blocks for Ancient Stars for March. All the yellow blocks for the RSC25 is now done.
Finished the mountain blocks for the Good Hope Mystery Blocks for 2025. Pulled it out again, after lots happened and this was just waiting on the cutting table. Have not kept up with the clues, working at my own pace when time allows for it. Manage to get two more parts done.
Thursday, 20 March 2025
This and that, it’s a thing.
Some stitching happened and it is growing, using floss from my stash.
A quarter of January is done!
While waiting at an appointment, worked on some EPP. It has some yellow in it.
Have also been cutting all the papers for the foundation piecing for Good Golly.
Spring is here!
Friday, 14 March 2025
Yellow is the colour for March.
Do cheddar count as yellow too? A new project which has been cut and prepped a few years ago, waiting to be started is on the starting block.
Some more blocks for Ancient stars, will be making a start on those too.
This project just lost steam last year, it got packet away until this year. After unpacking everything in the bag and sorting it, it made me realize just how much was already done and what needs to be done. All doable.
Block bits and pieces got sewn, trimmed and got ready for the next step.
One block became ten blocks, the pile of blocks has grown to 66 Ohio star blocks.
The sawtooth star blocks has grown to 41, still have to make the yellow ones for this month.
Friday, 28 February 2025
It feels good to have this piece framed and ready to put up to enjoy for years to come! While picking this up from Gitta's found some floss for smock dresses and a piece of fabric.
Cloister Garden mystery stitch along for 2025. A start has been made on January clue, feels good to get it going.
Finished the cowgirl flimsy. We had another snow storm come through this morning. After shovelling the snow, we walk the three and a half kilometers to the school where we needed to vote in our Provincial elections. It was the perfect window between the snow stopping and the rain starting.
Thursday, 27 February 2025
Hedgehog hollow and cowgirls.
This top is finally a flimsy.
Little bits got done during the course of the last week.
Found a few fabrics for a wedding quilt for much later this year.
While getting some of these fabrics, found some cow girl fabric perfect for those blocks I created with leftover fabrics from Old Town Mystery quilt.
Friday, 21 February 2025
Progress is slow.
This week has been a slow one. Thankfully the snow has stayed away for a few days, we are ready for spring. Our bodies has reminded us that they have worked very hard.
These blocks got sewn, the next pieces are prepped to be added to these blocks.
The strips for the mystery quilt from part two is now done for future clues.
Hubby has been baking, he enjoys experimenting in the kitchen.
Chocolate cakes has been made, with more chocolate inside and on top. Bread is his other passion he works on, this is his latest loaf!
A bit more hand quilting happened on the big quilt in the hoop, took it out to check if I had finished the medium green bands that I was quilting, next band will be a dark green one.
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
It is cold outside, brrr!
After spending the weekend and monday recovering as best as I could, still not 100% myself decided to open a kit which I received for Christmas, Hedgehog Hollow quilt kit.
The fabrics have a Liberty tana lawn feel to them, which was a great surprise.
After looking at the pattern and reading it, it is a simple and quick top to make.
Ironed the fabrics for the blocks, then late yesterday afternoon had an unexpected pocket of time and cut pieces for the blocks.
Sewing will begin on these when I am better. Our back garden has disappeared under the snow, the table is just about still standing under the weight of the snow. For how long, that is anyone's guess.
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