Sunday 9 August 2015

Boys and their Toys.

  Flying planes, racing cars and taking off to the moon.


Playing sports, fishing and generally playing rough and tumble.  Exploring nature, building forts and riding bikes.  Swimming in the summer, computer games and school forgotten, for the moment.
Taking home some critters from the stream, after spending hours with little nets in the shallow waters, turning rocks upside down to discover what might be hidden underneath.  Taking home priceless treasure, to go and share with the family.  These were all returned to the stream, a little while later.


If mother ever wanted to know where their socks went to, forgotten on the banks of the stream, in the process of discovering the bounty of nature.  Budding scientists in the making....

Little boys are boisterous,  full of energy.  Sharing adventures with their best friends, getting dirty and up to mischief.


  1. I like the runway fabric. Just the thing for flying planes off.

  2. I like the runway fabric. Just the thing for flying planes off.

  3. Just the right quilt for your sun, he will love to sleep in a bed with a plane quiilt. Lovely colors.
    What a nice place to live for a boy!
